Ken had been in town just over a week. We'd had three rehearsals and a successful short gig at The Metropolitan to set us up nicely for the Grace Emily. This annual event - The Yours Truly World Tour - usually comprises two or three Adelaide gigs. The two of us have been performing like this for a few years now, and it seems to work. Our respective songs mesh well, and I think the same can be said for our onstage performances.
For 2010 we'd knocked together a set of around 16 songs, all originals except for one Alistair Hulett number. It was a pleasure to present each and every one of them to what appeared to be an engaged crowd.
Before I knew it, we'd played for over an hour and we were into the last few songs. I wiped off the sweat, thanked everyone for coming, and we finished with rousing renditions of Here Come the Americans and Say Goodbye.
I'm already looking forward to 2011.
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