The singletrack section through Rawnsley is a beauty. Crashing through the creeks at speed is a lovely way to make sure you are awake, and the fast section into Wilpena is also fun.
More singletrack, the best of the whole ride, waited for us the other side of morning tea. Breathtakingly fast and scary.
I'd decided to try and ride the entire Razorback climb, and I'm happy to report that I succeeded. Yay me! I was, of course, breathing heavily at the top.
The arid, red dirt sections that have to be travelled before and after lunch were a chore, but (again) I managed the climbs without having to stop - except for when I got to the top. And there are some beauties - especially the uphill to the top of the ridge around Red Hill.
The bitumen into Blinman was a breeze. A sealed road all the way. We rode fast, intent on making a good time. We were 4th/5th into the finish, a lovely way to end our great ride.
Beer o'clock!
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