Monday, August 30, 2010

Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere.

The Burnside Library, despite the fact that it is, well, a library, is a pretty good place to perform. It's all very low key, playing to people as they traipse in and out of the library foyer, but the sound is fantastic. There's no need for amplifiers, microphones etc; all the performer needs do is turn up and play.
I rode my bike to yesterday's performance, with my old Fender strapped to my back, not really realising how exhausted I was from my morning's 'proper' ride. Progress was slow between my place and Burnside, and I was a sweaty mess when I arrived two minutes before showtime. My fellow performers, The Imports were set up and ready, so they went first while I quickly freshened up, tuned my guitar, and determined what song I would open with.
Sometimes, library patrons will stop and sit for a while, have a bit of a listen, and generally take in the ambience. We didn't have many yesterday - just family and friends of The Imports, and organiser Robert Childs (who took the photo).
We filled the hour with a few of our tunes, taking turns to perform. We had a incessant alarm at the other end of the foyer to accompany us, as well as the occasional screaming child.
I rode home in the afternoon sun sans guitar, glad I'd made the effort, but unable to determine exactly why...
Art for art's sake!

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