Not that anyone should be too surprised by this weather. It is the middle of winter, after all.
The sun was providing illumination, if not much warmth, when I left my house on Friday and walked into the city. I was suitably attired, so the journey in was quite an enjoyable experience, despite the freshness. Sunshine tends to make everything better. Except the wings of Icarus, I guess.
As I walked through the parklands, I was entertained by the swooping and diving welcome swallows, flying directly at me before darting off in another direction at the last second. I'm not sure if they wanted a fight, or thought I was going to feed them, or were perhaps just ensuring that I passed safely and responsibly through their home.
I had a lovely lunch at Citi Zen, an entree of battered tempura-style vegetables followed by a spicy fried tofu dish. Despite tofu being essentially tasteless (how did it ever get to be a food?) the main course was surprisingly delightful.
I enjoyed good conversation with my mate John, as we slurped down a bottle of pino grigio while lamenting the shortcomings of the England football team.
We followed up lunch with a few pints of Guinness across the road at The Brecknock, ensuring the afternoon ended on a (slightly blurry) high note.
I walked home, traversing the same route by which I'd made my inward journey. It must have been tea time for the birds though, because there wasn't a swallow in sight.
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